New Filter Overhaul: Find Glass Faster!

We're excited to announce a complete overhaul and redesign of the Filtering System! When using GlassPass, being able to find exactly what you're looking for (and hiding what you don't want to see) is very important for a good experience. We spent months planning the implementation of these new filters and made a lot of improvements under the hood. We heard your feedback and requests on what you think would make filtering better, and were able to include all of them! Below is an overview of everything that's changed: 

Features and Changes Requested

  • Sort the feed by high or low prices or by recent posted date
  • Set a price range with any minimum or maximum
  • Add more countries to the Origin filter for items created abroad
  • Make filter selections save after leaving the app 

What's New with Filtering

  • Built brand new filter modal with improved UI
    • Displays all filter categories on one screen without scrolling
    • Shows how many items are within each filter tag
    • Checkboxes to select filter tags is much smoother and faster
    • Search bar on filter screen makes finding tags easier
  • New filter button displays number of active filters for easy access
  • Added number of listings being shown with selected filters on explore page
  • Added ability to sort the feed by price or posted date
  • Added option to set a price range with any minimum or maximum
  • Added more countries to the Origin filter for items created abroad
  • Added a Posted After filter to only display items posted after a certain date
  • All Filter selections now save after leaving the app


These changes are going to make using the app and searching through 50,000+ listings so much easier. We took your suggestions and combined them with a few extra additions to create a vastly improved filtering system. The results are more accurate, the active filters are clearer to see, and using the interface is faster. We hope you enjoy version one of the new filters. Let us know what you think and if you have any more suggestions. Thank you for using GlassPass!

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